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online gaming analytics, MMORPG analytics, online churn analytics, ARPPU, ARPU improvement, online gaming monetization

Foundational Online Gaming Analytics

Foundational analytics are the first step in growing your understanding of the game's performance. They are often deceptively simple measures that require subtle business rules and logic to be applied to transactional datasets. The core "login/logout" transactional data can yield an array of insights if properly processed and joined with other game datasets. Global Decision customizes game reporting based on client need. However, we find that the vast majority of clients (including MMORPG clients) share certain foundational needs as follows:
Intermediate Online Gaming Analytics

Intermediate online gaming analytics build a deeper understanding of player behavior over time. Whereas foundational gaming analytics are activity based (logins, purchases, etc.), intermediate gaming analytics are player-based and cohort-based (groups of players). Global Decision's Gaming Intelligence(tm) software and servers crunch disparate datasets, such as login/logout, purchases, in-game activity, and registration data to distill down key aspects of each type of data into a concise summary of each player gaming experience. Once a player's full history is created in normalized format, it can be used in both intermediate and advanced gaming analytics. Commonly requested intermediate analytics are as follows:
Advanced Online Gaming Analytics

Advanced online gaming analytics invoke the use of complex statistical algorithms and predictive models to provide maximum insight from a given dataset. These powerful procedures allow game developers to reduce churn, monetize more users, detect fraud, and enhance gameplay. The following list details common advanced online gaming analytical techniques.